Sunday 3 June 2012

Tips for Sitting All Day at Work When You Have Hemorrhoids

Before we get to the part where I will give the tips for sitting all day at work when you have hemorrhoids; it is most important that we tackle the main issue which is reducing the swelling and pain of the hemorrhoids.

Sitting tips is just a part of reducing the discomfort; combining it with healing tips you will experience a better ; more comfortable days in the office even with hemorrhoids.

Use natural remedies such as tomato slices as a means of treating hemorrhoids. Tomatoes are known with acidic properties in which direct application of tomatoes to swollen veins can reduce swelling. Witch hazel is another great natural remedies product used to cure hemorrhoids. When the witch hazel is applied to the hemorrhoids affected area, the astringent effect also helps to reduce itching ,swelling and bleeding. Apart from that; consuming grape seed oil will also helps you to kill the infections in the veins , stop hemorrhoid bleeding as well as reducing the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. 

A 15 minutes sitz bath treatment before going to work might also helps as it can be extremely soothing, especially after a bowel movement. Simply soak for to experience relief and prepare yourself with your day at work. Or you can use another method of applying warm water on your rectum for around ten minutes per day and then put a cold towel on the hemorrhoids.

In the office having to sit for long periods of time with your feet flat on the floor puts pressure additional pressure on your rectal area and can aggravate your hemorrhoids. Take some initiative to be off from your seat at least 5 minutes each hour or shift your seating position in your chair from side to side often. Constant rectal pressure can be avoided this way. Also try go for a walk or stand when you get a break or every 30 minutes if you can. Other than that you can also try a different sitting posture by putting your feet up when you can.

Other small things that can make you sitting more comfortable includes cotton underwear which could also help your bottom half to breathe and not get irritated from the heat.  Although this doesn't necessarily cure hemorrhoids, it will reduce the current symptoms and keep them from getting worse.

Using a padded chair or pillow on a chair will also make you hemorrhoids suffering manageable. There’s even a specific donut pillow that was specifically invented for hemorrhoids patient’s and can be purchased to help ease off the pain when sitting on a chair.

All in all, healthy lifestyle that includes sufficient water and fiber intake; good amount of exercise and good posture , toileting habit will make your hemorrhoids suffering days more tolerable and you will new in your way to full recovery in no time.


  1. It is most important that we tackle the main issue which is reducing the swelling and pain of the hemorrhoids. We need to fix up a routine for all day at work.

  2. Hemorrhoids attacks me 3 years ago. It's so painful and uncomfortable. I cured my hemorrhoids with the help of calmovil, but I also used natural medications for the faster healing of hemorrhoids.

  3. "Hi Jessica, I almost gave up on finding any relief for the horrendous hemorrhoids , until I found your website. Before that I had taken an array of drugs but found no salvation for my agonizing problem. The pain and bleeding had kept getting worse and worse especially in the mornings. As soon as I started your program I have started to notice a difference. Now, 5 days later, it's like a miracle. My Hemorrhoids have completely vanished from my life!... I want to scream at my doctor! Your plan is so simple but it works like nothing else. and it's been over a year since! It's absolutely miraculous... THANK YOU for restoring my sanity!"
    -- Dan T.(Melbourne, Australia)

  4. Thank you for this tips i badly need this, this my problem with my hemorrhoids i keep on applying medication on it but my work is sitting for 8 hours infront of the computer. I used hemaway cream and this helps me reduce the symptoms and do my tasks comfortably.

  5. Hi,
    Hemorrhoids - it is very unpleasant and painful. I suffered from the disease for more than 3 years. Creams, ointments and medications could not help me to cure this ailment. But one day I found a technique through which I got rid of all the same managed to be cured I am very grateful to the author of this technique. You can find details here

  6. Hi,
    Hemorrhoids - it is very unpleasant and painful. I suffered from the disease for more than 3 years. Creams,
    ointments and medications could not help me to cure this ailment. But one day I found a technique through which I got rid of all
    the same managed to be cured I am very grateful to the author of this technique. You can find details here

  7. Hemorrhoids how to get rid? - This technique has helped me get rid of hemorrhoids. Friends recommend reading

  8. Hemorroids starts with a small itching in the anus, but this symptom few people pay attention to, itching gradually increases. In this, I could not stop time yprichine manifestation of hemorrhoids. Then I was treated for a long time, I went to a lot of doctors who used the ointment, but I did not help. Once on the Internet, I find a great technique through which was able to forget the pain that causes the hemorrhoids.
    Details can be found here:

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